Boo! Happy Halloween.
Phallus-y adverts seen in NYC subway

Doesn't this one look like she's subtly flipping you the bird?

Pursed lips, lots o' cleavage, and looks like she's stroking that bottle.
Well, I'm happy that the economy is supposedly growing again. Yesterday, it
was reported on television news that the economy is growing at an annual rate
of 7%. They didn't say what time frame that number was extrapolated from. Assuming
they're working from quarterly numbers, the economy grew 1.75% over the last
three months. Some of that growth is attributed to consumer spending during
the summer.
It remains to be seen, how long the growth spurt will continue. And, before
you get too excited, there's a story out today saying that consumer spending
cooled 0.3% this month. The other thing I want to see, is what's happening
with the jobless rate.
Crap! What the @%$&*! was he thinking?
Rule #1 - Never hold your cell phone over an open toilet, especially on a moving
Rule #2 - If the phone falls in, consider it lost, and return immediately
to your seat.
Apparently, Edwin Gallart needed
these rules spelled-out.
But, he's not alone:
Teen prisoner adds to woes by getting arm stuck in toilet
Woman's attempt to unblock toilet failed when hand got stuck
Today's shots were taken over a period of time, and they're mostly "stuff"
pics. Enjoy!

A little time with the Panther
release of OS X tells me that it's definitely worth the upgrade. I just love
Exposé, and the finder enhancements are very nice touches.
All the computers
in the Apple Store in SoHo are running it, so I just walked up to one,
and opened the help system. From there, I was able to do my own self-guided
of the features I was most interested in.
9 May, 2003
Reviewer: merlin
love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love
love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love
What is IT? Vaughn Oliver's book “Visceral
Andrew Cuomo has a new book called “Crossroads.”
The premise of the book sounds very interesting.
I heard him speak briefly
at Barnes & Noble in Union Square the other night. I caught one very interesting
sound bite. I'm paraphrasing here:
Democrats need to acknowledge that we lost the last presidential election
(it never should have gotten to be that close of a contest in the first place),
learn from that loss, and move on.
Young people aren't disinterested in participation. A very high percentage
of young people volunteer. They're just very turned-off by the political system,
and choose not to participate in politics.
Was the design of stonehenge based on the female sexual anatomy?
thinks so. 'Course, he's an OB-Gyn. I imagine some of those guys
reach a point where everything starts to look like a vulva!
Warren came over this weekend with the Matrix Reloaded DVD and a couple of
cables. We hooked an iBook up to the TV and stereo, and presto! big-screen
I was looking at the set-up options, and noticed that I can set the sound
to 5.1 surround. Since the iBook is only stereo-out, I figure it's the equivalent
of the "Pro
output from VCRs.
That's really good news, because
means two really good things:
1) I don't need a separate DVD player, since we already have the iBook.
2) We should be able to watch movies in full theater surround with our existing
set-up -- no need for costly upgrades on the surround processor.
Best of all, I think we're talking about, maybe $30 worth of cables. Not bad!
I still haven't been to the Apple store to play with Panther, but soon...