[click to visit larger view]
that I should discover this photo on Valentine's Day. You almost miss the winged
beast, with her head in such proximity to that gargantuan club.
I've been
visiting photoblogs from all over the world, and the work of Kwerfeldein
Photography [Martin Gommel] in Germany is exceptional. While people figure
into his work, he really shines with landscapes, and there are lots of them
on his dynamic and polished photoblog.
A chicken/egg conundrum
Did all gerunds (a verb derived from a noun by adding 'ing' to the end, e.g.
ski -> skiing) arise after the noun they are based upon, or could it go the
other way around?
The verb that's got me thinking about this is petting. Did
we start calling those lovable creatures pets, because we pet them — in which
case the verb came first — or did we call them pets, and decide that 'petting'
sounded better than 'stroking'?
Today, I was reading some security tips on the Facebook blog, when I noticed
that they've created a gerund from the noun 'friend.' Soon friending may be
in common usage.
Once again, I'm happy to have switched over to Firefox, though I was briefly
annoyed. I walked back to my computer with a cup of tea in my hand, only to
see a dialog box telling me that Firefox had crashed. $%^#&!, I thought,
and filed a crash report. I'd had several tabs open at the time, and I wasn't
completely sure I'd remember a couple of those URLs. Oh, well, I thought... Then It got interesting.
When I re-launched Firefox, I got a dialog asking
if I'd like to restore the previous session. I couldn't believe my eyes. I
clicked 'yes,' and FF re-opened, tabs and all. Yeah, buddy! It's like command-z
for crashes.